For his final year exhibition project he is concentrating on water towers in the UK. As a major part of this he would like to photograph the interiors as well as exteriors of towers that have been converted into living or office spaces.
In return, he can offer his images which will taken on a large format film camera.
If you are able to assist him directly or give him any leads, please contact him on 07553 408253 or 01666 860703 or email colinbaird [at] btinternet.com
This is a tower at Rodbourne, near Malmesbury, Wiltshire close to where Colin lives. Located at ST 93212 83368, it was built in 1957. If you have any additional info about the tower please leave a comment.
Rodbourne water tower, located at ST 93212 83368, was built in 1957.
If you have any additional info, please a comment.
"Concrete" Volumes 25-26, 1992 - the magazine of The Concrete Society states: "The 600m3 Rodboume water tower has been completely refurbished using products from Fosroc Limited"
So we now have a capacity of 132,000 gallons - I can't get any further details, as I'm not a member the Concrete Society... Can any member reading this, please do a bit of research on our behalf and post it here.
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