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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Welcome Mix 96 listeners

Wil Harvey, the chair of BWTAS, was on Buckinghamshire's Mix 96 today 28th October 2014. (To listen to an MP3 of the segment click here.)

Listeners wanting more information on the society and how to join, please look here.

To answer the presenter's questions as to what BWTAS gets up to and what people can expect by joining; BWTAS is whatever the members can make of it themselves. We have organised several art exhibitions, water tower visits, lectures, taken part in tv and radio programmes, and responded to hundreds of enquiries from water tower enthusiasts, owners, prospective owners, architects, historians and television researchers on practically every aspect of water tower history and culture.

Email enquiries to bwtas (at) will be directed to the most appropriate person.

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